Friday, March 23, 2007

Oh My, I Agree with Brian!

On Bill Richardson. I've not really been a serious student of Bill Richardson's political career, but from what I've seen, I really like the guy. Now, this isn't to say that I like his policies in general (although he's right on this), but he's just plain likeable and, well, seems reasonable in his political approach.

I guess, if I had to take a Democrat as President in 2008, I'd prefer it be Richardson. So, let's call that my preliminary endorsement for the Democratic nomination.


Unknown said...

I've never smoked weed, but I have been around enough people that were. The stuff is much less dangerous than alcohol. If it were me in charge, I would leaglize it for everyone, tax the heck out of it and balance the federal budget.

john said...

amen emeriol.